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Interviu exclusiv cu Tim Mumby – Sailing Life on Jupiter EP141

24 thoughts on “Interviu exclusiv cu Tim Mumby – Sailing Life on Jupiter EP141”
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Definitely could have watched hours of Tim explaining his boat designs,absolutely awesome,cheers for sharing your videos.
Awesome great video Liked n Chared ⛵ Great to see the Mumby's…
Jamie, Great chat with Tim.
What are the key changes that Tim has made in his newer boat designs compared with your boat?
1. I see these new boats in the yard have vertical bows, which will increase the waterline slightly?
2. Do the newer boats have more stringers for additional strength in the hull, and does this increase the displacement weight slightly?
3. The boat in harbour with a single diesel and electric drive. Do you have any additional equipment information on this boat? I agree with you on the KISS principle. However, Beta/Nanni do motors with 24V DC starters and generators, all instruments can be brought with 24V DC, and today you do need a 3kW AC inverter onboard for many electrical power services. The downside of sailing cats in the past is having to need two diesel drive systems with its additional maintenance issues.
Thanks for getting the interview with Tim.
Tim mentioned there are a few company’s building these boats do you guys have any contact details for these company’s?
Well will give Mr. T Mumby a pat on the Back for his design of the Cat , But when it comes to a interview forget it's like looking at grass growing lol . And just a though why not Apply for a AUSTRALIAN Passport while your in Australia for your Wife ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????.
You should have asked him about the ODC 48
Great interview! That was a great question you asked Tim about electric engines. After watching Peter of Sailing into Freedom talking about electric and saying that he could actually do the Elcano World Challenge, I thought of getting some Ocean Volt shaft driven engines with no generator and a bunch of solar power so that I could do the same thing without having to carry the weight of diesel fuel. I'm still going to look into it but now I'm sort of leaning to the Yanmar 35's that Tim installs as standard equipment. I also suspect that the Ocean Volt shaft driven engines are really expensive and I might not be able to afford that. I really like the new bow design and didn't know that he had done that. I'm also interested in how the 50 sails. Is it a smoother ride and is the boat wider than the 48? Thanks.
Plukky from sailing into freedom is working with a company called Odisea to build a great looking Aluminium performance Cat
Nice Video, Thanls for the effort. Cheers.
Not sure when you recorded this, been quite cold in Brissie the last few weeks (yeah yea cold by Brissie standards 🤣)
Watched it twice !
Great interview and I am impressed with the sailing experience of Tim and how he used his experience to design practical and real world factors into his design. I am sorry he is no longer building boats but his design is available for other shipyards to build, although the cost will be dramatically increased from what was available from his yard in the Philippines due to lower costs of construction there. Looking forward to more videos from the Jupiter.
Great episode! Thank you for organising that interview!
What a class act that Tim Mumby. He avoided speaking ill of other boats. He is clear about his priorities in life. He recommends keeping it simple instead of going for the loaded and expensive route, even though that would make him more money. Its a shame he isn't taking more orders, he seems like a builder you can trust.
Great to see the passion for sailing as the only driver for what Tim Mumby does. He’s a rare breed.
Almost an aluminium wharram,hope you're out there sailing Tim…
Thanks for sharing ❤
There's nothing scary about dual helms such as on a Catana. In fact its often the favourite place to be, particularly night watches. Many Catanas have been around the world, in comfort and respectable speed.
This was a great video guys . . thinking outside the circle.
I will buy one. Tim Mumby should have a website.
Thanks For the Mumby interview and for all your info Jamie. Shalom
Great to see Tim and Jessica again. We've been friends for many years now since a chance meeting in South Africa. Come on Tim we're waitiing out here for you.
Epic Jaime! Thank you! Thank you! Tim for the interview! Now go Sail away Brother!