Eddie Redmayne Spills Meg s-a culcat cu 6 prieteni ai lui Harry în casa Soho din Istanbul înainte de a se căsători cu el 👉👉Vă rugăm să vă abonați la canalul meu: https://www.youtube.com/@RoyalNewsletter/videos?sub_confirmation=1 👉👉Puteți vedea mai multe videoclipuri Like This AICI: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUQLG0SUUHIRtySuE4VwuuJbZ17kd5OLB Înainte ca Eddie Redmayne să devină un membru câștigător al Oscarului al regalității de la Hollywood, a alergat în aceleași cercuri ca și regalitatea reală când era doar adolescent. Theory of Everything Cel mai bun actor aparținea aceluiași club exclusiv ca prințul William în timp ce urmau la Eton College din Berkshire, Anglia. În fotografiile făcute în 2000, vestele lor colorate indică faptul că toți erau membri ai Societății Eton, cunoscută și sub numele de Pop. Compuși din prefecți (da, ca în Harry Potter), băieții Societății Eton sunt seniori selectați de colegii lor pentru a exercita disciplina școlară. #princeharry #meghanmarkle #lilibet #princewilliam #katemiddleton #royal #kingcharles #archie #queenelizabeth #queen
Eddie Redmayne vărsă Meg s-a culcat cu 6 prieteni ai lui Harry în casa Soho din Istanbul înainte de a se căsători cu el

33 thoughts on “Eddie Redmayne vărsă Meg s-a culcat cu 6 prieteni ai lui Harry în casa Soho din Istanbul înainte de a se căsători cu el”
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Quit using her slutpuppy past. You don't do it to men!!!! I detest her behavior but this is bull.
Shes sex maniac , thats why she does not have compassion but evilness
I’m a bit confused, or I missed something. The video said he was there with Harry, but it’s
William in all of these pictures with him at school.
Oh no! 😱
Can’t Harry get an annulment instead of having to pay for a divorce. It sounds like she committed fraud on him to get him to marry her.
Oh dear! Harry married a door knob where every man gets a turn !! 😜😜🤣🤣
It would have been explosive and extremely dangerous when Henry found out, if he did find out the full truth. How could anyone marry someone who'd slept with many of your mates. No wonder his mates weren't accepting of him marrying her. Truly I can't comprehend why the Queen allowed the marriage to go ahead once her background check came back. There has too be some heavy blackmailing going on from Nutmeg, to allow her to marry Henry. It's never made sense when the world realised how she was nothing but a high class call girl and that's putting it politely.
With Old Meg, when one man goes in, 3 come out.
I get the feeling that she wants to go down in history as one of the most promiscuous, woman to join the royal family, is what I see, at the moment, and I guess she is not about to change, good luck royal family.
No wonder she wanted to leave the royal family and England. Perhaps Andrew was familiar with her as well. Phillip was right.
Omg this lady is bad very wicked
Her business only, one person and one alone she affects = ie. herself.
Once a call girl always on ever
Makes me wonder how they feel now, worried about disease and also knowing that they like old women. Yuk, makes my toenails curl
Yes 6 of his friends he was the seventh. Fool
OMG! She hasn’t met a man she did not sleep with! Sounds like her slogan would be “ you got a d…k, I’m ready and willing!”
Soho house sounds like a den of debauchery.
Should have listened to your granddad Harry, he plainly told you ' one steps out with actresses, one does not marry them' 😂
Come on you all. Seriously? This sounds like a Jr. High site. “She’s a slut”! I’m no fan of MEagain, but this is stupid. Eddie Redmayne saying something like this anyway? Oh brother. You all sound like your 14.
This 6 friends of Harry should try their best to help Harry by all means to get rid of Meghan Markle
She's was still trying her luck then until she landed on her mate 😂😂😂😂
I don't know but I been told, skinny legged woman ain't got no soul 😅
Damn!!! She’s not forgot anyone???
Harry How’s it feel to be last on the list???🤮🤮🤑
The truth about that woman is coming out more and more, easier divorce for Harry. 😂😂😂😂
She has had more pricks than a dartboard
You have to give it to Meghan as she has more men . Than a dog having puppies…😅😅
Oh please stop giving this Ghastly Woman air time.. she loves it. She thinks it makes her famous
I could've told y'all that and I don't even know SKANKOLA SKIDMARKle like that thank GOD!!😂😂😂
Pieces fell into place. This whole thing is tiring. Done
The sad thing is….even if Harry divorced her, she will still be famous nd get loads of attention just having been with him.
Busting big time, like ive always said 1+1=2, once a yuk mattress always will be, yuk yyk jumping ?????
God shes a well worn woman 😂😂😂all worn out maybe she's a nymphomaniac