Urcându-se sub pânză

Urcându-se sub pânză

Aruncarea către a fost odată o procedură de zi cu zi pentru ambarcațiunile cu vele. A demodat din mai multe motive. Acest videoclip descrie modul în care echipajul meu și cu mine ne descurcăm într-o furtună serioasă, apoi continuă să analizeze beneficiile tehnicii, discutând cum variază eficiența acesteia de la o barcă la alta. #TomCunliffe, #heaving to, #hove to, #sailing, #yachting, #seamanship Dacă sunteți interesat de navigație, lucruri maritime și drumul sărat către libertate, vă veți bucura de canalul meu, așa că turnați-vă un pahar de cel mai bun și așezează-te cu amestecul meu personal de fire și material didactic util. Când sunt plecat în croazieră, nu știu niciodată când voi avea ocazia să încarc. Dacă abia așteptați, de ce să nu deveniți membru al clubului meu de site-uri? Veți găsi o mulțime de videoclipuri și articole numai pentru membri, care nu sunt disponibile în altă parte și veți avea șansa de a vă alătura unui forum online obișnuit. • Site web: – https://www.tomcunliffe.com/ • Deveniți membru: – https://www.tomcunliffe.com/my-account/members-area/ MODALITĂȚI PENTRU A VENI CONTACT CU MINE și ÎNĂRĂ-TE ECHIPULUI • Site : – https://www.tomcunliffe.com/ • Twitter: Alăturați-vă conversației – https://twitter.com/cunliffetom • Facebook: Să ne întâlnim aici – https://www.facebook.com/tomcunliffesailor ALTE PRODUSE • Articole: – https://www.tomcunliffe.com/product-category/articles/ • Cărți de vânzare: – https://www.tomcunliffe.com/product-category/books/ • Cărți audio: – https:// www.tomcunliffe.com/product-category/audiobook/ Urmărește-mă pe YOUTUBE Apăsați butonul ABONAȚI-VĂ. Aș aprecia dacă v-ați alătura canalului meu „Yachts and Yarns”. Apăsați butonul LIKE când vă bucurați de un episod – este gratuit și în felul acesta voi ști ce fel de conținut vă place. Atingeți pictograma CLOPOTER, pentru a primi un sonerie. Apoi veți fi întotdeauna notificat când apare următorul blog video. Bun venit la bord! Tom Copyright Tom Cunliffe 2024


26 thoughts on “Urcându-se sub pânză

  1. Hi Tom, this is another great video and I love it that you add some ‘old time’ sailing from your pilot cutter time. Actually nice that the principle is unchanged since hundreds of years.
    You know that I sailed HNLMS Urania and I can tell you that also for her the same procedure with her two masts and 80 tons works extremely well which was a blessing if I needed a moment of rest with the inexperienced midshipmen.

  2. Thank you and thank you for clarifying the past and present tense. My only suggestion, for my CCA designed (full cutaway keel) boat, with a double reefed main the furled jib has enough windage to keep the boat from tacking or moving forward so no exposed headsail is needed to heave-to.

  3. As you say, most modern yachts with their shallow/flat forward hull shape tend to fall off in any kind of blow where you might want to heave-to, but talking of words, interested to hear you talking of “less-ward” v “loo-ard”. Personal preference?

  4. I used to crew for Sunday afternoon races at the local sailing club. In between each race we would back the jib and heave to. All the other boats were zipping about and tiring out while we chilled and had a sandwich. We would have a very relaxing time planning our strategies for various conditions in the next race. Heaving to was a wonderful opportunity to recharge our selves physically and mentally. It seemed like few people wanted to crew on this boat as the captain could be pretty harsh and demanding during the race but he was actually a very kind, friendly and thoughtful person. He was also a great teacher, I learned so much from him and I miss him very much.

  5. I have been in F9 twice in my life. Once in my Stella in the 70s when I hove too off the tail of the falls just outside the Thames estuary for 4.5 hours & I slept due to exhaustion for 3.5 hours. A Stella heaves too beautifully & was always doing it to sort things out.
    My current Hanse will not do that & being single handed it is very tiring. I have to set the boat to windward & keep sailing. However, It has been suggested that I furl the jib , Sheet the main in hard. Centre the tiller & leave the boat to its own devices.
    This works Ok in light airs but I have yet to test it in heavy airs, Not sure if I should hook the aries up to the tiller or not.If I need a pee I let the main right out to let the boat level off & let it flog for a short while but i do not like doing that as I have laminate sails.

  6. Great way to settle the boat and have a bit of lunch. Almost got into a bit of trouble in San Diego bay when we neglected to pay attention to the incoming tide. Damn near drifted into the USS Midway.

  7. Thank You for sharing this Great video with us!
    Instead of pulling the fore sail to windward, I like to come about and just leave the foresail sheeted in as it was. Tiller to leeward as you mentioned, and enjoy the peace…
    Much Love and Hugs

  8. There is also the main only heave too. Sheet main in hard, stall the keel the tiller hard to leeward. Not quite as stable as two sail heave too, but better angle to the seas in a fin keel Farr 727. My Nicholson 55 will also main only heave to, in that case I use neutral helm and she weather cocks into the wind.

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