Americanii care navighează într-o țară musulmană | S09E01

Americanii care navighează într-o țară musulmană |  S09E01

Asigurați-vă confidențialitatea cu Surfshark! Introdu codul de cupon ATTICUS pentru încă 3 luni gratuit la Covoare handmade turcești: S-a spus că croaziera este arta de a lucra cu barca în localnici exotici și sincer asta nu e departe de adevăr. Atticus 2 este într-o formă super bună, dar toate bărcile au nevoie constantă de întreținere de rutină. Apa sărată, apa dulce și razele UV fac în mod constant tot ce le stă în putință pentru a distruge ambarcațiunile maritime, iar mișcarea extremă înseamnă că orice legătură săptămânală poate și va fi expusă în cel mai rău moment posibil. Așadar, acum este momentul să trecem peste întreținerea noastră preventivă și există încă o mână de îmbunătățiri pe care sperăm să le facem, de asemenea. Am decis să petrecem iarna la D-marin, Turgutreis din Turcia din mai multe motive. Iernile aici sunt blânde, Turcia este renumită pentru că are forță de muncă calificată la prețuri rezonabile, se află în afara regiunii Schengen, astfel încât să ne putem reîncărca vizele Schengen, dar mai mult decât orice ni s-au spus de către alți marinari că Turcia este țara lor preferată. în Med. Este un loc atât de unic, considerat o țară transcontinentală, nu chiar o parte a Europei și nici o parte a Asiei. Și exact așa se simte cultura, este un amestec de două locuri extrem de diferite. Turcia este una dintre cele mai laice țări cu majoritate musulmană din lume. Acum găzduiește două dintre cele șapte minuni ale lumii antice. Și timp de secole, Imperiul Otoman a fost puterea preeminentă în Marea Mediterană. Deci săptămâna aceasta vom cunoaște acest loc fascinant înainte de a ne agăța pentru a începe să facem proiecte cu barca

Treceți pe Pagina noastră Patreon, unde cei mai mari fani ai noștri contribuie la realizarea acestor videoclipuri.



Ochelari de soare: Cod de reducere HPATTICUS Dinghy: Boom, Furler, Whisker Pole: Sails: https: // Ancoră primară: Pompă de urgență Edson Marine: Prognoza meteo: Keen Footwear:

Sunete epidemic


46 thoughts on “Americanii care navighează într-o țară musulmană | S09E01

  1. Hey jordon… maybe this helps. I remembered when you first installed the water maker there was a bunch of settings and because you and Desiree didn't have a water maker at the current time and was so excited that you could make water now you put the water maker on a standard settings instead of the purge settings which i think u said that would push out way more water but use up your filters alot faster and wouldn't over work the system to so like you was saying half of what it can produce wouldnt use up more of the system/power/filters… also you mentioned you got the same exact system as dan/kika on sailing uma so you could possibly message them and ask about the full water production. Hope this helps and be safe and be good. And SAIL ON

  2. Oh, you guys this was such a great video. Really enjoyed the history and all the places that you went were fascinating thank you so much. I loved Isabella being held by different people when she is much older and looks back at some of these pictures. She’ll be in awe. Absolutely love this. Wish I could be a Patreon. Just not in the budget right now. So instead, I will just love you from afar. Liz from California.😎🤟🏻⛵️💜🐬🇺🇸

  3. Loved the history and the old film pieces were cool! Turkey looks amazing and the food looks scrumptious! Lucky dogs you!…Your videos are So Well Done, Thank You! Isabella is growing and is cute as a button! What a sweet Family you are!!❤

  4. Great experience! Their carpet production is a work of art. The amount of hours to make one is incredible. If you noticed in my master bedroom we have one hanging on the wall. It’s totally an art form. We purchase a few on our first trip to Turkey. The other one was laying in the living room floor. Glad you purchase one. It looks fantastic. Cheers 🍻

  5. Welcome to Turkey. I have been following you two from the beginning and it's great to see you made it all the way here. You are going to love. Try to find those small places that are still original when you start exploring the coastline.

  6. Curious how we might buy one of those rugs? I went to the Etrimhali and the kilimhome site and neither has anywhere you can buy one. On Dec 19th on their insta they posted a gorgeous rug and if it's not too crazy expensive, I would love to buy one. Any idea how? I'm in Michigan if that matters. I would love to support them.

  7. Excellent Jordon! Love your blogs. I live in Cyprus but spent 20 yrs sailing a Contessa 32 around Turkey and Greece.
    I used to talk about ‘vista fatigue’ in Turkey from the ongoing beautiful views wherever you sail. Lovely progressive country with warm friendly and energetic people. Good luck!

  8. Sun Shelter: Have a look at "Shade Tree Boat Awning". I think though, being in Turkey – you might want to take inspiration from the Shade Tree product, and make your own. "A long, sheet of fabric, whose bottom edges Port & Starboard attach to your stanchions or lifelines. The sides and top of the fabric sheet are self supported due to 'built-in'.. batten pockets which contain transversely mounted, bendable, fiberglass poles like those found in hiking tents. The end result, is a self-supported wind-tunnel-like sun shelter. Open fore and aft."

  9. You can put in a reverse cycle hvac which will give you heat and AC and it can be run at anchor via generator or inverter. R U exploring that option? Just thinking of your baby.

  10. Love your combined story telling intermixing with small towns, businesses etc. My kind of travel. You showed travel plans on the south coast, that’s getting near Adana. Americans are stationed at a Turkish base there and possessions disappear often, even when tensions were high politically and soldiers families were evacuated it is that hit or miss anti Americans you get near a city. No one is allowed off base unless sanctioned organized tour. Otherwise small villages with the little one will bring warm welcome in small towns. Strongly recommend Karpathos island up in a village Olymbos, traditional dress is worn there. Chios island both maybe somewhat closed right now but research them. Try to time Easter celebrations on nearby Chios for the fireworks fun "battle", it’s on YouTube. Easter is their main holiday. Matt Barrett’s Greek travel website and Facebook group has endless info and help from travelers and locals. Thank you again for a great episode.

  11. Love your video…..I live in Bermuda & I've been going to Turkey for the last 30 years. I always stay in Gocek. I'm so looking forward to your next video. Your depiction is spot on. The Turks are truly the most hospitable people on the planet.

  12. Dear Sailing Project Atticus II family,

    So great to see that you are now totally settled down in Turkey, one of my fave places in the world, from what I have see so far.

    All the coast you are going to visit is amazing. I mean, Greece is great, but somehow the Turkish coast seems even more spectacular.

    Plus all the food and amazing monuments, like the one you show here, even though there is only a few stones left.

    Sending you good vibes to accomplish all the boat projects and totally enjoy your stay in Turkey!


    La tía Ivy desde Panamá 🙂

  13. Question: I was watching a channel with a new boat, and they got a boat stamp that they said they had not had with their old boat, but that they were asked to use it on every form at check in. First I have heard of it, do you use one?

  14. Ive just seen a 12 or 14" 200w built in fan fitted into a raised hatch with a lifting and tilting cover. .. it would draw air through the whole boat venting heat and moisture. You can also blow air down into the boat just fit 🦟 screens to any openings ..

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