Explorăm coasta de sud a Angliei de la Cornwall la Dorset. Facem un tur al Muntelui Sf. Mihail înainte de a ne îndrepta spre populara stațiune Salcombe, unde întâlnim o defecțiune a echipamentului bărcii. Depanăm și reparăm șlițul înainte de a pleca spre Weymouth, unde Travis găsește un skatepark BMX și se scufundă puțin prea repede și cade. VIDEO NOI ÎN FIECARE VINERI! Vă rugăm să vă abonați și să distribuiți videoclipurile noastre – fiecare sprijin este foarte apreciat, ne continuă călătoria și conținutul să vină! MÂNERELE NOASTRE DE TROLIU – The Flipper by Easysea – Folosiți codul nostru de cupon: JIBSEA10 pentru o reducere de 5%! o achiziție efectuată prin link-ul de mai jos ajută să ne susținem călătoria fără costuri suplimentare pentru dvs. 🙂 https://easysea.org/?sca_ref=1842873.88IEFDzrSD APARATORUL NOSTRU – SeaWaterPro AC Double Membrane – o achiziție efectuată prin linkul de mai jos ajută la susține-ne călătoria fără costuri suplimentare https://seawaterpro.com?sca_ref=1318981.ElEepUm59l VIZITĂȚI MAGAZINUL NOSTRU DE SWAG – arătați-vă sprijinul pentru canalul nostru cu lucruri interesante 😎 https://sailing-jibsea.creator-spring.com DACĂ DORIȚI SĂ SUSTINEȚI CĂLĂTORIA NOASTRA – primiți actualizări exclusive și filmări bonus https://www.patreon.com/jibsea ALTE MODALITĂȚI DE A NE SPRIJINĂ – pentru a face o contribuție unică pentru a ne susține călătoria și a canaliza PayPal: https:/ /www.paypal.me/jibsea Interac E-Transfer: sailingjibsea@gmail.com VREI MAI MULT? Urmărește-ne AICI https://www.instagram.com/sailingjibsea https://www.instagram.com/sstephcee https://www.instagram.com/t_sexsmith https://www.facebook.com/sailingjibsea https:/ /linktr.ee/Jibsea #sailing #england #boatlife #bmxer #tinyliving
Adaugă-l pe listă! Peste 25 de oase frânte, un rinichi SFIRUT etc etc… totul se rupe! – Ep 116

30 thoughts on “Adaugă-l pe listă! Peste 25 de oase frânte, un rinichi SFIRUT etc etc… totul se rupe! – Ep 116”
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Sooo…..what did the dr. say?????? At least you have a pretty nurse….whats that saying…You arent young anymore? lol….seriously hope the injury is not that bad
Did you go to the injury clinic in Weymouth near the town centre/ seafront I had a fall and had fracture at the top of the humerus into the ball joint. If you call 111 (free also have web site ) they can help and arrange to get you seen. the injury unit is free.
Sounds like a dislocated shoulder.
Looks like a lot of swelling on the shoulder. Hopefully you won't need surgery to reattach it. Either way it probably will be atleast 6 weeks to heal.
👍 🇨🇦 ♿🚑🚲⛵🚴♂️🐶 love your videos
How's your Blue Cross ?
Had the same problem fell on my left shoulder tore the ligaments it took a lot of time months and months real nasty situation take it easy. …
You can use uk free health care better getting it checked out doesn't cost anything
You only get one body, All that pain will show up ten years from now with Vengeance
That's all good and all, but can she get you emergency care all on her own? I've watched you do some stuff in not so convenient locations… Also just because nothing has broken in 6 months it still corrodes. It's call preventative maintenance, tons of channels, where all they do is sail, then don't understand why everything is breaking.
Damn brother, you need to get that looked at. I'm a longtime RN and have had my own share of injuries. Joints take a long time to heel so you're going to have to take it easy for awhile. I tore my medial collateral ligament and my medial meniscus in my right knee. Had stem cell treatment in August and I'm still wearing a brace. The brace is the only thing allowing me to still work. I was off for six months. Trying to avoid surgery. At least I'm back on my boat. Trying to do some upgrades to get out there asap. I wish you a speedy recovery.
Steph, my hat is off to you for your calm demeanor, acceptance, and keeping a light attitude in the face of a possible trip-ending situation. You are a dream companion.
I think I'd find something else to do instead of that bike! Hope the shoulder heals ok.
That coast is very pretty with tons of things to do there. And thats why its so popular! Good fix on your windlass. I'd try to find a spare on that solinoid switch. The same fix might not work the next time!
Just another good video!
Rotator cuff Abe and that could need surgery
Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiice episode guys. Bummer on the bike fall. You will heal….over time. Just don't push it. ✨ 🌊💨⛵️🏝️👙🌞✨🎄✨
replace that limit breaker it tripped and welded open thats why it worked when you banged on it. something in that circuit caused it to trip. could be a one off but check what you can visually.
I hope you feel better soon Travis.
Jealous as always! Curious, when the vessel is at anchor and both of you go to shore, do you use any type of anchor alarm app syncing to your phone to get an alert if the boat breaks anchor while you're ashore?
Grow up and pay the freight! You all just bitch about the cost every anything . If you can't hang then get off the porch.
Get better Travis! I hope you went to dr eventually to get your shoulder looked at.
Feel better Travis!
See the guy in the background at 17.56!!
Sorry man that must be a bummer. Get well soon.
Stay safe, stay strong, and get well soon! 🟥🍁🟥 Thank you for taking us on another fantastic tour. Great video work and editing, so good.
BTW, at 12:20, fixing your breaker – the term is PERCUSSION ENGINEERING: knowing the right amount of banging on something to get it working again 🔨🪘🥁
Beautiful footage hop your shoulder heals fast
Is the bike up for sale?
Travis Who does your hair… your always looking like a GQ
MODEL with those glasses and hair cut n style.
Really enjoyed your video, glad you are having fun in my area, good luck with the shoulder, if you need any medical help, it is most likely free. Hope you have a great time, best wishes to you both. Paul ☺
Somebody got a hurt, real bad!
Welcome to the world of getting older my young friend. PS: It gets a lot worse.